
Dorte Mandrup Arkitekter's Read-Nest

Read-Nest / Dorte Mandrup Arkitekter from ArchDaily on Vimeo.


let's go away to my summer cabin...

Sommarnöjen houses are designed by Sweden's top-tier architectural offices Kjellander + Sjöberg Arkitektkontor, Sandellsandberg Arkitekter and Tham and Videgard Hansson Arkitekter. 
They have designed a series of breathtakingly beautiful and stripped back (!) 15 square meter retreats.




today i met and assisted a fantastic artist in her preparation for her opening tonight at kudos gallery.  margaret roberts' works were a journey and experimentation within the convergent realms of drawing and sculpture.  being architectonic in the realization, taped marks placed on display walls that are commonly used within an exhibition format are converted into monumental sculptures and are given a further dimensionality, forming direct relationship with the building which they inhabit.

i love my blackbird fly!