So, I accidently destroyed the old presets for, and when I tried to fix it the design spiralled into a pre-set design disaster! I have done my best to set up a new layout that is more-or-less the same vibe as before, hopefully even an improvement!
In order to doument the past, here is a snippet of the previous 'today's inspiration', which actually had probably been punching around for a year or so!
=leather work
=dainty laces
=heavy metal
=leather work
=dainty laces
=heavy metal
=wild horses
=paisley prints/spots and stripes!
=homemade jam
=70% Aged Columbian beans, 30% Yemen = Strawberry Fields forever, the most amazing coffee blend ever.
=handwritten notes
=love hearts
=my lace collection
=seijima's gifu housing estate in japan
=riding my bike around the suburbs